Unfortunately we are at an intake hold until we are able to fundraise to cover the cost of multiple dogs awaiting medical procedures. Puddin, Bane, Sweetie and Merry all need surgeries or specialist care. We've have several emergent, unexpected medical expenses that have depleted our medical fund. We need to recoup those funds so dogs like Bane can finally get neutered and be placed up for adoption. Merry get an echocardiogram and hopefully cleared for spay and placed up for adoption. Puddin to have her specialized urethral operation and placed up for adoption. The sooner we get the funds for these dogs, the sooner they can receive their surgeries and adopted out to make room to save more deserving souls. We can't continue to do this work without our supporters help.

Please donate whatever you can, every single dollar helps us save more lives.


We are really struggling to make ends meet. It may not seem like much to you, but that $10 could help us reach our goal for a procedure. It all helps!